Stress, Fear, and Uncertainty
Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency.
Today the British Columbia Public Health Officer lifted the mask mandate in the province. Today I went shopping and noticed more people with than without masks. Today I thought I was done with the stress of the pandemic (or, as I like to think, scamdemic) since now I wouldn’t feel like a criminal going into stores without a mask as I’ve done and felt over the past several months.
However, seeing these poor souls with lifeless stares from their eyes with masks pulled up to their eyeballs reminded me that my stress was not over.
On the contrary, these people prolong my stress because I can see the fear in their eyes, their cry for help. Not only are these masked people donning their facial covers indoors, but there are also many of them outdoors still.
Someone posted an image of a woman donning a mask written with “Not afraid, well-informed.” No, hon, you are not well-informed. You are terrified because you have been inundated with fear messages to which you succumbed over the past two years.
The uncertainty for many people today is that they cling to what they believe has kept them “safe” over the past two years. But, of course, these are the same people who will tell you they followed the science brought to them by mainstream media.
They have not read a single scientific report on the benefits of masks (most reports tell us masks do not prevent illness, and the reports that tout the benefits of mask-wearing have flawed research in low numbers of participants, inadequate control groups, mixed mask conditions, inconsistent usage, etc.).
They have not read a single report on the adverse effects of vaccinations (Pfizer recently released its report identifying about 1,300 adverse reactions).
They have not listened to a single source telling them that COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate and about 94% of deaths (i.e., 94% of one percent) had 2.6 comorbidities.
I could provide links to all these reports, but those who already know this information have researched the reports, and those still wearing face masks today will not click on the links. They are afraid of what the data will tell them.
To all those still clinging to their face coverings, know that uncertainty is only a state of your mind, and one of the best ways to achieve peace of mind is to let go of your uncertainty and fear.
Your mask is not helping you. It is only hindering your mental health. It is also preventing all of society from returning to normal.
Let it go. Show your face. Be normal again.
Yes, fear can be used to move people to take action they might not otherwise take. We should never forget about the study by Dr. Stanley Milgram about obedience to authority. It is absolutely chilling to see how easily the vast majority of people can be influenced. And I would expect that 'fear' would serve to increase the percentage even more
So pleased there are many studies being published and more people speaking about the way the pandemic has been managed in Canada and the consequences of such.
Two recent examples, I might recommend:
Alex Pierson interviewing Irvin Studin (President, The Canada Science & Policy Committee, about a report to steer Canada out of the pandemic. The report is being prepared by a collaborative think tank of doctors, scientists and policy professionals that describe 8 systems in crisis and suggest how to repair the systems
Trish Wood (investigative journalist, critical thinker, previously with Fifth Estate) interviewing two mathematicians, Ana Cascon and William Shadwick, about the flawed models that informed public policy and led to negative consequences for citizens. Thankfully these professionals have developed a proper approach to modelling
As Canadians, we will have to take stock of the socio-economic impact and ensure that lessons learned are reflected in changes that will assist leaders and institutions in strengthening their decision-making and performance respectively.
Just remember they can’t make you feel stress … that’s within us … I enjoy smiling at there covered up faces and hoping they might be inspired to remove their mask🙏… shower them with love and your beautiful smile .. slowly they will hopefully be fearless …